exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

more rage

by J at 4:04 pm on 4.09.2005 | 2 Comments
filed under: rant and rage

whoa. Louisiana state senator accuses bush of faking levee repairs for a photo op

this goes beyond incompetence. this is criminal.

there are very few people i truly hate. but this president has, in the 5 years he’s been in office, taken me from white-hot fury to the depths of despair more times than i can count now. i have long since run out of words to describe the intensity of emotion i feel at the way my country, my countrymen have been run into the ground. i have tried numerous times, to adequately depict my loathing and utter contempt and rampant anger at the sins he has committed against other countries and their people. i have always come up short.

but the failure is one of language. there simply is no vocabulary yet invented which encompasses the breadth of what I feel. if there were a word which meant “more than irate hatred and bilious disgust” that would be what i would say. and i would say it ceaselessly, unendingly, until he died. then i would dance on his grave with joy.

hundreds, if not thousands, of americans died like stray dogs in the street. babies died from lack of water. people were left to rot nameless and unclothed in gutters of waste.

because of *him*. he had the personal power to save them. he’s finally decided to rescue the last survivors in a great show of bravado. like magic, troops and food and water and boats and helicopters have appeared en masse.

i wonder how i would feel if my survival came down to praying to george w. bush for help?

i hold him personally responsible for every single one of those deaths. every baby that died of dehydration. every man woman and child who died hoping the president would save them.

there’s a word for people without a conscience: sociopath. i would ask bush how he sleeps at night knowing those americans died on his doorstep, on his watch, on his say-so… but I already know he couldn’t care less.

may you rot eternally in hell, you evil mutherfucker.

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    Pingback by Jen’s Den of Iniquity » fucking *duh*

    13.02.2006 @ 23:24 pm

    [...] All these months later after katrina, I still can’t talk about it without intense rage. but I will repeat what I said before: [...]

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    2.03.2006 @ 19:12 pm

    [...] This is how bad it is. This video just confirms everything I’ve always known. Which is that Bush has blood on his hands. Because whether you intended to kill people or not, the fact remains that if you knowingly and negligently fail to act and people die, that’s manslaughter. [...]

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