exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

into the great unknown

by Jen at 5:42 pm on 18.03.2011 | 3 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

i fly to vancouver in less than 3 weeks, and it’s all starting to feel a little too real. i’ve got 9 days left in the office, my replacement has been hired. i need to think about what to pack. i need to think about what i’m going to do when i get there.

but at the same time, all my plans are so tenuous, i’m afraid to even talk about them for fear of jinxing it all. or for fear of having to eat a large slice of humble pie if i have to come crawling back to london in a few months. or for fear of finding a job, making the move, and then realising i hate it. or for fear of not finding a job in vancouver, not finding a job back in london, and ending up long-term unemployed and running out of money. or for fear of moving and having something go horribly wrong with health/relationship/family and having no network of support.

there’s a lot of fear. which is why i’m not talking about it.

i’m starting to look at everything as if it’s the last time i will be experiencing it. which, if everything goes smoothly, it very well might be. come april, it is all into the great unknown, so i’m doing what i do best: ignoring it.

i’ll let you know how that works out.

2 people like this post.


  • 1

    Comment by Inga

    20.03.2011 @ 13:36 pm

    thinking of you. i look forward to hearing whatever part of this new adventure you choose to share….xo

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    20.03.2011 @ 21:52 pm

    thanks inga – i have a feeling i’ll have a lot more to talk about as things unfold…

  • 3

    Comment by Inga

    2.04.2011 @ 23:24 pm

    just was thinking of you again – as I think you have left or are leaving any moment. wishing you a safe and remarkable journey. xo.

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