running for the ellies
so they say the third time is the charm.
this is the third time i’m entered to run the edinburgh marathon, taking place on 23rd may. twice previously, i became injured and had to withdraw – last year, just a few days before the race.
however with the help of some physiotherapy and my natural stubborn streak, i am running again, and determined to complete my fourth marathon.
and as i’m going through all the trouble, i thought i’d try to fundraise some money for an organisation very near and dear to my heart: the elephant nature foundation.
those who know me well, know just how strongly i feel about the work that the elephant nature foundation does. Lek and and her team work tirelessly to save the asian elephant, rescuing one ellie at a time. Lek is also a brave and outspoken advocate of eliminating traditional abusive training methods.
having seen first hand the dedication work of Lek and her team, and having experienced the beauty of an “elephant haven” where ellies can spend their days just being the gorgeous creatures they are, i cannot recommend this organisation highly enough.
lek and the elephant nature park have been recognised for their work by the humane society of the united states, national geographic, and time magazine.
but don’t just take my word for it – read more about Lek and her respected foundation in the news here. watch videos of the ellies they have rescued here.
a hundred years ago, there were 100,000 elephant in Thailand. today there are fewer than 4,000 Thai elephants left.
if you haven’t already read about our experience at the elephant nature park, you can do so here, and see more pics here.
they are magnificent, sentient beings, and lek’s commitment and drive are an inspiration to me. if she can dedicate her life to saving the ellies, in the face of incredible odds, then i can certainly try to run a few hours and raise a few bob to do my part.
a world without these amazing creatures is not a world i want to live in. please consider sponsoring me at my justgiving page.
thanks in advance.
Comment by Your Sister
4.03.2010 @ 22:04 pm
We will be happy to donate to you when i go back to work, or get our tax money back. won’t be a lot, but we love the ellies and you aren’t so bad either.