and cranky new year to you too
so 2010 didn’t get off to a great start for me. it all began back in 2009, when our boiler decided to cut out a few days before christmas, leaving us without any heat or hot water.
in an old flat with lots of falling-apart single pane windows – we’re talking stand in front of one and feel your hair blowing with the outdoor breezes.
during a 2 week cold snap with average temperatures of 0C (32F).
the thermometer read 12C (53F)… indoors.
thus began a 12 day saga to get the bloody boiler fixed. it included a mad dash for a space heater on Christmas day, waiting around for five plumbers appointments (two no-shows, and two where they didn’t actually even open the boiler) countless irate emails to our landlord, one denied request to stay at a hotel, one registered faux-legalese letter threatening to report it to the local council, and one episode of taking off work in the middle of the day to go home and identify the boiler model number. not to mention countless hours banging on the boiler fruitlessly, countless kettles boiled in order to take a lukewarm bath, countless tears of frustration, and countless hours huddled under blankets shivering.
it was hell. it was pure misery. it ruined my holidays.
finally, blessedly on monday we got our heat and hot water back. even now, two days later, i keep touching the radiators for their reassuring warmth.
imagine my reaction, then, when on New Year’s Day i awoke to an internet outage. which lasted six days. area outage, we were told – every day we would call up and be informed that it was estimated to be fixed by later that day, only to go to bed with the green modem light blinking sadly instead of glowing happily. finally they began telling us they couldn’t estimate when it would be fixed, and we stopped calling. thank god for 3g service – on those overlapping days when i was unshowered, freezing cold and internet-less, my iphone saved my sanity.
and then this morning i woke up to a happy modem light. praise jeebus and pass the beer nuts! there was a hairsbreadth line between me and the men in white jackets.
i may have previously mentioned my white hot hatred of virgin media.
this did not help.
so – not an auspicious start to the new year. but now i’m showered, warm, and fully connected again. it’s got to get better from here on out…right?
Comment by Amity
6.01.2010 @ 23:01 pm
Holy shit! I missed that in my long internet absence. Glad it’s all sorted now but how harsh to have *both* happen at once, and for so long AND at the holidays. That is suckage on a spectacular level.
Comment by A Free Man
7.01.2010 @ 05:41 am
As I recall, absolutely nothing gets done during the holidays in Britain. Kind of the same here, actually. Kind of nice, except when things don’t work.
Comment by Your Sister
7.01.2010 @ 16:43 pm
we also had no heat the other day. pilot just would not light. thankfully c is on vacation so he could wait the long time for the fixer to come and i took the infant someplace warm while p stayed with her dad under the blankets watching “the wizard of oz”. the house got down to under fifty degrees and took a long time to get warm once it was fixed. it made us all appreciate our heater and fireplace a whole bunch more. sorry it ruined your holiday.
candy in the mail today (i hope)!!
Comment by Jen
7.01.2010 @ 21:48 pm
@amity – you would not believe how stressful it was!
@free man – yup – not for love nor money does anything get done over a bank holiday!
@sis – poor babycakes! glad you’re all warm an cozy again.