exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

the mayfly project 2009

by Jen at 6:58 pm on 30.12.2009 | 1 Comment
filed under: blurblets, holidaze

for the past few years, i’ve been taking part in the mayfly project: the year in 24 words.

i enjoy the challenge of distillation. when it all boils down to just a few words, what *really* mattered this year?

here, then, the essence of my 2009.

new president, new home, new job, new family members. physiology frustrated, marathon scuppered. running to stand still, but plans afoot for the coming year!

the new year – death cab for cutie

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  • 1

    Comment by A Free Man

    31.12.2009 @ 01:53 am

    A lot of ‘new’. Best of luck for the New Year.

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