tomorrow’s my birthday, and so i present to you 37 things i’ve learned along my 37 years. i started this a few years ago now, and i quite like the ritual of it – it puts me in a positive frame of mind to face the coming year, and allows me enough self-reflection to feel a bit wiser for my age.
so here we go:
1. waxing is *not* better than shaving. no matter what anyone says.
2. trying to get back to the weight of your 20s is futile. nature is conspiring against you on this one.
3. ditto #2 for the face.
4. a real xmas tree or none at all.
5. forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, and the freedom it brings is priceless.
6. giving really is better than receiving. and there is always something you can give.
7. simple meals done well are better than fancy meals that never get made.
8. things worth spending money on: good sheets, good coffee, good shoes.
9. things not worth spending money on: nylons, name brand ibuprofen.
10. the best things in life are still free. snow days, running, moonlight, footrubs.
11. the amazing thing about humans is that we are always capable of change. never give up hope that people will change for the better.
12. then be there for them with open arms when they do.
13. the internet has made expat life immeasurably better. email, video, voice, facebook. even in the past seven years, it’s made a massive difference to my world.
14. but sometimes nothing can substitute for being home.
15. the best friends are also family.
16. and the best families are also friends.
17. never take a working boiler for granted (she types with frozen fingers whilst awaiting the arrival of the plumber).
18. resolve never to take your partner for granted. you inevitably will, but it’s so important to try not to.
19. some people will cling to the illusion of security above all else: truth, justice and freedom. try not to judge them for needing it so badly.
20. health is merely the slowest possible rate at which we can die.
21. but access to healthcare is a basic human right which should never be dependent on how much you earn.
22. if you have the opportunity to go to school, always do it now, rather than later. my one regret is that i didn’t go to grad school when i had the chance earlier. it gets harder later.
23. people’s beliefs are so intimate, so personal – when you criticise their beliefs, you criticise their heart. try to be respectful, even when you vehemently disagree.
24. if you treat people with respect, you’re more likely to be respected.
25. choose your battles carefully – life is too short to spend it being angry all the time.
26. the iphone is even better than the hype.
27. “Serenity is what we get when we quit hoping for a better past.” -Alanon
28. you make your own luck in this life – sitting around waiting for a stroke of luck never worked for anyone, and wishing doesn’t make things so.
29. risotto is worth learning to make from scratch.
30. whimsical socks make me happy – even when i’m having an otherwise shit day, i can look down and see frolicking penguins. it’s hard to be unhappy when your feet are smiling.
31. if you’re talking, you’re not listening.
32. you can tell people you love them, but if they don’t feel heard, they don’t feel valued. so shut up and listen already.
33. you will spend your whole married life renegotiating three things: money, sex, and the thermostat.
34. give love unreservedly and often. lavish people with love. you will never be in short supply of it, and you will never be sorry for having done so. if we have nothing in our cupboards and nothing over our heads, we will always have love to give in abundance.
35. never be afraid of sounding like a sentimental fool.
36. getting older gracefully is not about letting go of little vanities – it’s about letting go of the struggle to be something you’re not.
37. if your 20s didn’t kill you, nothing will.
the birthday wars – oxford collapse
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