exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

turkey day in the uk

by Jen at 10:00 pm on 25.11.2009 | 6 Comments
filed under: family and friends, holidaze

another thanksgiving here in the uk.

i will be working on the day, but hosting a traditional turkey dinner on the saturday – a motley dinner party of three americans, three south africans, two brits, and one canadian. they are friends and family both.

between the the two years i lived in Canada, and the nearly seven years i’ve been here, i’m almost getting used to celebrating on a completely different day. scary.

but i am grateful. this past year my family has welcomed a new nephew, a new sister-in-law, and very soon, another new niece/nephew. so much love.

happy thanksgiving to one and all – i hope you have as much to be grateful for as i do.

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

2 people like this post.


  • 1

    Comment by Charlotte

    26.11.2009 @ 06:24 am

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, albeit on a different day. I’m going to TWO Thanksgivings this year (Friday and Saturday), which as a South African is pretty cool. I love the tradition of giving thanks and think we should all adopt it, so am thrilled to be invited. Plus I get to make desserts! My best! I am thankful to Thankgiving for letting me make desserts.

  • 2

    Comment by Your Sister

    27.11.2009 @ 13:19 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving time! We won’t call it a day, perhaps it can be referred to as a weekend. I am sad I missed speaking to you yesterday; we got there just a few minutes after you hung up. I don’t know how I missed your call to me the other day, pos phone never rang or said I missed your call.
    Still pregnant- six days to my due date. Lots of jumping jacks to do until then…

  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    27.11.2009 @ 18:51 pm

    thank you both! katie, i am waiting for the big announcement, so whenever you’re ready!

  • 4

    Comment by lisa

    29.11.2009 @ 21:30 pm

    Borders going under in UK?!?! It is really sad. It sounds like the US company is struggling too. Pretty soon there will be no where to buy books except for Amazon. I will miss rambling around the bookstore for an afternoon.

  • 5

    Comment by A Free Man

    5.12.2009 @ 01:23 am

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and the one thing I really miss from the States. I usually try to replicate it somehow with friends, but last year I just didn’t do it. And that sucked. This year I had American family visiting, so we did it up proper with them and my partner’s Aussie family. Great one!

  • 6

    Comment by Jen

    5.12.2009 @ 13:14 pm

    last year i didn’t do it either. and it was… okay, but not great. this year, i was resolved to do the traditional thing. it came out really well – but i forgot to take pictures!

    it made me happy. i’m glad i did it, even though, as i said last year, it will never be what i want it to be. it can’t. but that doesn’t mean it can’t be something equally good in a different way.

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