exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

when we want somethin’, and we don’t wanna pay for it

by Jen at 7:10 pm on 3.11.2009 | 3 Comments
filed under: rant and rage

remember that episode of “friends” where monica’s credit card is stolen by a bon vivant, and used for all sorts of fun things?

[Monica is examining her bill. Rachel emerges from her room]

Rachel: Oh, Monica. You are not still going over that thing.

Monica: This woman’s living my life.

Rachel: What?

Monica: She’s living my life, and she’s doing it better than me! Look at this, look. She buys tickets for plays that I wanna see. She, she buys clothes from stores that I’m intimidated by the sales people. She spent three hundred dollars on art supplies.

Rachel: You’re not an artist.

Monica: Yeah, well I might be if I had the supplies! I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don’t.

Rachel: Oh, Monica, c’mon, you do cool things.

Monica: Oh really? Okay, let’s compare, shall we.

Rachel: [Yawning] Oh, it’s so late for ‘Shall we’…

Monica: Do I go horseback riding in the park? Do I take classes at the New School?

Rachel: [Yawning] Nooo…

Monica: This is so unfair! She’s got everything I want, and she doesn’t have my mother.

yeah. so what happens when someone clones my debit card? they spend £900 on purchases at a garden centre and driving lessons.

what does that say about my life?

been caught stealing – jane’s addiction

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  • 1

    Comment by lisa

    4.11.2009 @ 00:20 am

    I have had my ID stolen twice. It sucks. Still dealing with random things that come up that my other identities have done.

  • 2

    Comment by Noble Savage

    4.11.2009 @ 11:29 am

    It says that your id-stealer is sensible, but greedy. )

    sorry that happened, i hope you get it sorted out soon and all your money back!

  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    4.11.2009 @ 18:56 pm

    thanks. it’s so sucky to be the victim of a crime. but also, a pain in the ass.

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