exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

there’s a pull to the flow

by Jen at 5:46 pm on 28.07.2009 | 5 Comments
filed under: classic, mutterings and musings

there are some days as an expat, when you just wake up with your head in the wrong country.  you feel yourself moving through the time and space where you are physically present, but it feels like floating in parallel universe – there is a disconnect, a doubling of vision that you just can’t seem to shrug off.  a bout of wrong country-itis, like a feverish dream.  i’m gliding through my regular workplace, and when i catch a glimpse out the window, am genuinely surprised to see a london skyline instead of a boston one.  my brain has slipped into a different groove, like a record player needle sliding sideways with jarring effect onto a different track.  perhaps it’s a symptom of the similarity of big cities that allows your mind to play tricks on you – all the samey-sameness of crowded pavements, grey buildings and public transport, so that on any given morning it feels i could be heading to work in any generic urban setting.  or maybe it’s something about the light that morning that reminds me subconsciously of a particular previous life, and creates an alternate reality if only for a few seconds.  i’m not sure why it happens, but it’s disconcertingly random, and is the only true twang of homesickness i generally get these days, so it blindsides me with the intensity of it – the force of here and now crunching up against the mental holiday.

and as much as i keep shaking my head to try to clear the fog and bring the picture back into focus,  no matter how hard i try, i can’t seem to shake the hooked pangs of longing that have gotten under my skin and into my veins, trailing along behind me with the mist of memory, for the rest of the day.

blindsided – bon iver

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  • 1

    Comment by Charlotte

    29.07.2009 @ 04:57 am

    Beautiful. Those hooked pangs of longing – I know them.

  • 2

    Comment by A Free Man

    30.07.2009 @ 03:31 am

    Yeah, I know those. I get them a lot while driving, which is kind of a bad time. And I don’t get ‘homesick’ either, because this is home. But I do now and again get a little bit lost.

    Love Bon Iver, by the way.

  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    30.07.2009 @ 06:50 am

    yep, bon iver is fantastic, and this song is particularly gorgeous. must fix the link though.

  • 4

    Comment by blues

    31.07.2009 @ 16:49 pm


    The same exact thing happens to me here. It’s the palm trees. Sometimes it all just looks exactly the same, and then everything comes in to sharp focus and I am suddenly so aware.

  • 5

    Comment by blues

    1.08.2009 @ 07:30 am

    jen will you email me your email address? I don´t know if it´s on your site, but I can´t find it.

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