why hello there
so after two long and painful weeks, i am back online. i also now hate virgin media with the intensity of a thousand suns, but that’s another story.
how’s everything been going in the interim? well the move has turned into one of the worst-planned-and-executed operations since napoleon’s waterloo. however we’re now fully here, sans sofa and a few other essential items. up until a few days ago, the place was chaos – thanks to the determined efforts of j, it is now a slightly more refined chaos. here’s a peek.
the lounge (and air mattress we’re sitting on in lieu of a couch)
the hideous orange hallway (why??!)
the peculiar toilet/utility room (i *hate* when they do stuff like this, in a effort to appeal to sharers)
the spare bedroom, cute husband (and icky drapes)
the “master” bedroom with soon-to-be-replaced velvet curtains
the in-need-of-overhaul garden
still needs a lot of work and cleaning.
i’m absolutely run down, falling apart at the seams exhausted. in addition to the move and between-two-apartments limbo, i’ve been working like crazy (late even! and i never stay late!), and running like mad. i’m now rather worried, as i’m suffering some sort of painful hip muscle strain and pretty sure i’ve got a stress fracture happening in my foot (which i’m ignoring). only 2 weeks until the marathon, and i’d be devastated if i couldn’t finish it, so i’m stressing – trying to rest *and* maintain my conditioning. i just feel run into the ground, like a could take a long nap at any given point during the day.
so i’ve been coming home late, running, eating and falling into bed. then last weekend, a girls weekend in brighton with my heavily pregnant friend tonia…
and j’s birthday on the sunday…
… the sunday which also happened to be mother’s day in the u.s., and which i missed. guilt. also, a sad indicator of how reliant i am on those little email pop-up reminders and other internet-based cues, none of which i had access to. also a strong indicator of how very fried i’ve been. so happy belated to my mum and my two sisters (one of which is due with her second little boy quite soon!) and my stepmom i’m so sorry i missed telling you what fantastic mothers you’ve been, and how much i love you all.
so that’s what’s been up with me… what’s been up with all of you?
Comment by Noble Savage
15.05.2009 @ 16:39 pm
The new place is fab, lots of light! I particularly like the windows in the bathroom. Very cool.
What have I been up to? Let’s see…quit Crackpats, hardly touched FB or Twitter, been writing lots, reading, spending time with the family and just generally being happier. Oh, and planning my trip to Chicago in 4 weeks. Woo hoo!
Comment by Thomas Foolery
15.05.2009 @ 19:04 pm
what this blog needs is more photos of showgirls in bikinis
Comment by Jen
15.05.2009 @ 19:20 pm
@ns – thanks! hoping to have a housewarming of sorts soon.
@tf – more photos here. might dampen your interest to know that they’re actually thai ladyboys, though
Comment by Charlotte
16.05.2009 @ 04:52 am
Your new spot looks lovely. I also like the windows in the bathroom – like chapel windows. Hope you feel settled soon.
Comment by Your Sister
16.05.2009 @ 12:54 pm
the new place looks lovely! i saw you tried to call the other day, was that to say i am dumb and should not have sent your parcel to your old address? j get his birthday card?
if they get sent back you can just have them when you come in june, or whenever you do.
sorry to hear about your injuries. c hurt his knee and has not run all week. he has half marathon next week.
Comment by Bethany
16.05.2009 @ 14:25 pm
Like the new place–looks like you’ve got lots more room and lots of natural light coming in.
So glad you’re back in the world again w/internet!
Comment by Tabitha
17.05.2009 @ 01:07 am
Maybe it’s the photo, but I actually kinda dig the orange hallway. You could make it really artsy with some unique prints. That said, after awhile, I would feel like I was prisoner in an Easyhotel chain! Love your space, especially the kitchen.