i’m on my way home now to you
today is my six year anniversary of my arrival in london.
in many ways, i think i learned more about myself by getting on that plane than probably anything else i’ve ever done in my life. charging off into a completely unknown future. it felt like both a running away, and a running towards – what? at the time i couldn’t have said.
i know now, that that indescribable, ineffable *something*, was a self i sensed existed somewhere within, but couldn’t quite visualise, and it took throwing myself up against some hard things to begin to determine her outline. yet while the emergence of this new self coincided with landing in new city, it wasn’t the scenery that changed so much as the internal landscape. although i arrived lugging two heavy suitcases full of stuff, i left a whole lot of baggage behind.
“wherever you go, there you are.” any expat or traveller will tell you how true that is. there is something about the act of uprooting that challenges you beyond the superficial acclimatisation. it forces you to take stock of yourself in a way few other experiences can. it tests your ability to be independent, your ability to operate outside your comfort zone, your ability to make and maintain relationships, your ability to learn and internalise language and customs, your ability to deal with loneliness and obstacles, your ability to navigate new environments. in short, it gets to the core of everything you know about your place in the world, and turns it upside down. then gives it a good shake, like a snowglobe, just for fun.
the trick is not in learning to right yourself – the trick is in learning to live upside down. and be happy in it.
because getting off the plane was just the beginning. getting off the plane and stepping into the unknown, was actually the easiest part.
it’s taken me 6 years to learn all that, in lessons big and small. so as i contemplate uprooting in the near future, for canada (or perhaps other parts as yet unknown), i look back and wonder: can i really do it all again?
some days it is louder than others, to be sure - but that piece of my brain that lights up, and the pit in my stomach that leaps up into my chest like it’s cresting a rollercoaster, ring out with a resounding and definitive answer:
hellz yeah.
the prize fighter inferno – the going price for home
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