exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

run like you mean it

by Jen at 8:31 pm on 9.02.2009 | 3 Comments
filed under: this sporting life, tunage

officially beginning to train up for the edinburgh marathon at the end of may. first and foremost, i needed new running shoes. you’re supposed to change up every 300 – 400 miles. when you’re training, you’re generally clocking anywhere between 20 – 50 miles per week, which means a pair of shoes can start wearing out in just a few months. but because they cost around £100 a pair, i don’t switch them up as often as i should.

witness the most recent pair to be retired:

there’s something a little sad about retiring a pair of shoes. i always hang on to the last pair, even though i never actually wear them again. i guess i just like to remember the good runs. and luckily, much like the pain of childbirth, the mind seems to block out the memories of the bad ones.

running shoes are, as a rule, hideous. seriously, who designs these things? it’s almost like the ugliness is a badge of honour – if your shoes are ugly, you must be a serious runner. i also admit to being one of those judgemental runners – i can tell at a glance who’s a serious runner, and who’s not, based on what they’re wearing and how they’re running. people who choose their outfits based on the cuteness quotient, people who run by swinging their legs to the side, people who run wearing completely improper shoes. and the number of women who don’t have a proper sports bra makes my chest ache just thinking about it.

i’ve developed a *fantastic* running playlist – a small portion of which i will unselfishly share with you here. no matter how leaden my legs, these songs get my ass moving a bit faster.

MP3 playlist (M3U)

and here’s the Podcast feed for downloads.



  • 1

    Comment by Thomas Foolery

    10.02.2009 @ 10:39 am


  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    10.02.2009 @ 20:49 pm

    yes, they are a bit of a hindrance when it comes to running!

  • 3

    Comment by lisa

    15.02.2009 @ 23:00 pm

    Love your playlist. Good luck training for the marathon!

    I had the hardest time finding my fav running shoes while living in Scotland. I have been wearing the same brand for years…even sometimes the same color. And don’t even get me started on finding a proper sports bra….i think the designers for those don’t intend on the bra to actually hold anything in them. LOL

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