a form to accommodate the mess
today is the fifth anniversary of jen’s den, and i’m probably more surprised than anyone.
given the number of short-lived, aborted blogs floating around the ether, blog years have become a bit like dog years. in the five years since i first began writing this shortly after i returned to the uk for the long-term, i’ve seen two presidential elections, two red sox championships, two family weddings (including my own), and the birth of a new niece. i’ve been around the world, walked on hot coals, fallen in love, become a dual citizen, jumped off a bridge, and had three jobs. in many ways, i created a new life for myself from scratch, one that i’m happy to say is full beyond measure. and i chronicled much of it here.
a project that started out as a whim, has grown into a repository for so much of the most important stuff in my life. my imagination, my experiences, my disappointments and fears. whenever something good or bad happens in my life, i immediately turn to share it in this place and space.
this blog has become an archive of many of the things and thoughts that matter most to me. the more i add, the richer and more cherished it becomes.
important things happened before i started this blog, and important things will happen long after it ceases. but in the here and now, this is my record. if i were to die tomorrow, there would be friends and family to tell their stories of this time. but this, this is mine.
and that doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things – but it has come to matter an awful lot to me.
everything absent or distorted – a form to accommodate the mess
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Comment by Charlotte
8.01.2009 @ 07:51 am
Congratulations on five years of blogging! That’s quite a triumph.
“and that doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things – but it has come to matter an awful lot to me.” Just exactly how I feel about my blog.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
8.01.2009 @ 15:16 pm
Happy bloggyversary
Comment by nikoline
9.01.2009 @ 06:19 am
i’m grateful that you have a blog and that i found it. happy five years!
Comment by Jen
9.01.2009 @ 20:41 pm
thanks y’all