this room’s too small, it’s only getting smaller
we spent new year’s eve at our friends k&t’s flat, which was lovely – good food, good drink, good friends. and yet, a little part of me couldn’t help but wish we were celebrating back at our place.
our flat is really small; tiny, actually. it’s just livable for two – get more than 3 people in it, and it’s officially crowded. there are exactly 2 comfortable seats on the sofa, and too often guests end up cross-legged on the floor with pillows, like student dormitory refugees. if we have a couple over for dinner, we have to perform magic tricks with the expanding dining table, then collapse it back again after eating so that people can actually cross the room.
i charitably call it “cozy”. jonno calls it “claustrophobic”.
we’ve been here over two years now - it was our first place we’d picked out together, and i admit now that i probably always liked it more than he did. still, it’s been a pretty comfortable place for us – well located, nicely furnished (as furnished flats go), quiet.
lately jonno has been making noises about wanting to move. he points out that in the current housing market, we could probably get more for our money. loathe though i am to admit he’s right, even have to concede the point. and i’m also reaching that stage where all the little niggling irritations that you find in any living space, have built up to larger annoyances. the laissez-faire landlord which was initially a bonus, has now become aggravatingly difficult to reach for repairs. the double-glazing that keeps so much heat in, also turns our bathroom into a replica rainforest of moisture and moss. the tidy kitchen with its compact appliances and fridge, means we spend lots more time and money on frequent grocery shopping.
i’ve agreed, reluctantly, to begin looking for somewhere new, and we’ll probably move in a couple months time. which means this was likely our last new year in this flat.
so it felt a bit sad to be spending it elsewhere. because for all its faults, one of the amazing things about this flat has always been the view.
i shall miss that immensely.
something corporate – watch the sky
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Comment by nikoline
6.01.2009 @ 16:48 pm
does that mean you’ll be staying london for awhile? happy new space seeking!
Comment by Jen
7.01.2009 @ 18:38 pm
for the moment, lacking other options…