well spotted
running along wandsworth common this morning, and what did i spot? the notoriously craggy face of gordon ramsay.
to be honest, i’m surprised i even noticed – i’m notorious for being oblivious to these kinds of things. he was running with a guy who looked like a personal trainer. didn’t look like he was sweating too much though – c’mon gordo, put some effort into it!
Comment by Charlotte
25.10.2008 @ 16:20 pm
You celeb-magnet, you.
Comment by noble savage
25.10.2008 @ 22:01 pm
He could just be like me — I don’t sweat very much, even when really physically exerting myself. Judge others not by the sweat on their brow but the smell of their socks.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
26.10.2008 @ 09:23 am
gordon ramsay is a douchebag
Comment by Jen
26.10.2008 @ 09:38 am
i dunno – i kind of like him in spite of myself. also: at least he’s a fit douchbag!
Comment by Bethany
27.10.2008 @ 19:23 pm
ohh–I like him–yes, like you, in spite of myself! But I’m usually so oblivious to my surroundings I probably wouldn’t have noticed him.