exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

je ne comprends pas

by Jen at 10:07 pm on 15.09.2008 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

trying to learn a language at nearly 36 is a lesson in humility.

a) i know a teeny-tiny bit of french already (one year in high school and some osmosis in montreal)
b) it gets well and truly muddled up with my spanish in my brain (bloody romance languages!!)
c) adult ed classes are not exactly aimed at geniuses (e.g. the woman who complained 5 minutes into the class that it was “too hard” as we were all repeating “je m’appelle…” like little french robots)

le sigh.



  • 1

    Comment by letigre

    20.09.2008 @ 15:03 pm

    Argh, I hate that…

    I’m in a class right now where everyone speaks French except me but nobody writes French except me…it’s bizarre.

  • 2

    Comment by nikoline

    20.09.2008 @ 15:05 pm

    Love the way this is written. And love that you’re taking a language class! Bon journee (on the language acquisition path!). My French is almost entirely expired at this point – but that does mean what I think it means, right? )

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