exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

let your memories grow stronger, til they’re before your eyes

by Jen at 11:28 am on 17.08.2008 | 3 Comments
filed under: mutterings and musings

it always kicks in about this time of year, like clockwork. triggered by cooler mornings and shortening evenings – perhaps a little earlier this year as the summer has come crashing to a wet and chilly end – my stomach fills with longing for my new england autumn. *my* new england autumn – it is embedded in my bones and sinew, as much a part of my dna as my brown eyes. that ache rises within me like a swelling tide, in rhythm with the wax and wane of the harvest moon. it pulls on me, tugs on the ties of my heart that cross the ocean like long distance telephone wires, anchoring deep in chilled beach dunes and jewel-coloured woods. anchoring in the smell of crisp leaves underfoot and bonfire smoke. anchoring in the deep golden sunlight playing off the water. those visceral sense memories… i close my eyes and the waves of yearning for home wash over me, saturate me, and i spill over.


regina spektor – the call

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  • 1

    Comment by avril

    17.08.2008 @ 17:45 pm

    Beautiful. I could live there.

  • 2

    Comment by Mum

    17.08.2008 @ 19:57 pm

    I LOVE Fall!!!!!(though I couldn’t put it in such picturesque language)that’s why I am a New Englander!!!! ^_^ ^_^

  • 3

    Comment by Tabitha

    18.08.2008 @ 04:44 am

    You’ve summed up exactly what I could never properly express. Fall in New England is a precious time, and when winter begins to whip in, I find myself trying to hold on to autumn as much as I can.

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