more on why rape doesn’t matter
more on how reprehensibly the victims of rape in the u.k. are treated:
apparently rape victims who were drinking when they were violated don’t deserve as much compensation as sober rape victims. twenty five percent less, in fact. by that logic, i wonder if that same judge would agree that rape perpetrators who were drinking don’t deserve as much jail time? should they get 25% off their sentence? it’s a shameful farce that even when a rape victim manages to successfully prosecute her rapist (a shockingly rare occurrence in these parts), she’s still somehow blamed and shamed for being a victim of violence. it’s a nauseating mentality that makes only-too-clear how prejudiced the judicial system is on this crime.
and for men, rape is a matter worthy of ridicule. as the rag the “daily mail” reports it, a man being kidnapped and raped is just part of a “saucy” and “titillating” tale. saying things such as:
Fearing he would be kept prisoner for weeks (later there would be a body of male opinion which felt pangs of severe jealousy at his plight)…
they clearly imply that sexual abuse isn’t *really* abuse, because, hey – what man doesn’t love sex (forced or not)? never mind he was held against his will at gunpoint… he must’ve enjoyed it.
time and time again, stories like these demonstrate how rape victims are dismissed and demeaned in this country. rape is just not taken seriously. it’s truly shameful, and until this mentality is addressed, victims of rape will continue to find themselves abused not once, but twice over.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
14.08.2008 @ 10:57 am
i’m guessing the mail wouldn’t think a man being raped by another man is quite so saucy or titillating.
Comment by Jen
14.08.2008 @ 17:56 pm
no kidding!