i see the warning light when the summer comes undone
this weather is driving me batty!
when i got up this morning, it was sunny and warm – i was wearing a t-shirt and some cropped trousers. getting ready to head to amity’s place, it got cool and started to rain, so i changed to a long sleeve shirt and jeans. i even wore my autumn jacket.
got to amity’s and the sun was out again. by the time i’d walked to her place from the train station, i was boiling.
on the way home, i stopped off at kim and andy’s to drop off a video. sitting out in their back garden, i became truly schizophrenic – when the sun poked through the clouds, i’d take off my jacket. when the clouds thickened and became threatening, i got chilly and put it back on. the clouds blew over with the breezes and i’d take it off again.
it’s the end of july, and the temperature barely cracks 20C (68F) most days. sunshine barely bothers to put in an appearance. the papers are already forecasting the rest of the summer as a total washout, with talk of it cracking the top five wettest on record.
and so, in true british form, we were moaning about the impossible weather.
andy: “chilly and damp nearly every day… when i lived in california, we called this ‘winter’.”
yo la tengo – the summer
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Comment by Strawberry
20.07.2008 @ 03:29 am
Ha ha! Meanwhile, I watch my Brit learn what summer really is. I keep telling him, ‘you wait until it get hot, mate!’
Comment by Jen
20.07.2008 @ 17:39 pm
now you’re just being mean!