exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

celtic pride

by Jen at 5:15 pm on 18.06.2008Comments Off
filed under: this sporting life

congrats to my fantabulous celtics, who won franchise championship number 17 last night! the first in 22 years.

they won in commanding fashion, blowing out the lakers at home by 131 to 92. unfortunately i missed being able to see any of it…but it’s still pretty sweet to revel in the celebration )

as dan shaughnessy wrote:

They are not your old man’s Celtics. No black canvas high-tops. No cigar smoke wafting toward the Garden rafters from the Boston bench. No behind-the-back passes from Cooz, and no Larry Legend smashing his face on the parquet floor.

But the 2007-08 Boston Celtics are champions of the world, worthy successors to the men your dad always told you about.


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