camping and costumes
heading off tomorrow afternoon for a weekend music festival. folksy music, camping, friends…
…and of course, it being mid-june in britain, it’s supposed to be damp and chilly all weekend. it’d be depressing if i hadn’t actually predicted it from the beginning! ah well, it’ll still be fun.
my only reservation is that there’s supposed to be fancy dress on the saturday evening. me: i’m not a joiner. and i really can’t see myself pulling together a full costume in addition to the 3 days worth of food and clothes and camping shit i have to organise and drag through a cowfield. you have to wonder about the logic behind that: camping… and costumes?? it’s like, “we’ll have a thousand unshowered drunk people in wellies and tents and portaloos… i *know*, let’s have a costume party!” fancy dress is fun and has its place… on *halloween*. the one day brits don’t dress up. go figure.
call me a party pooper if you like – i’ll be the one without glitter stuck in my hair on sunday morning
see y’all on the other side…
Comment by Nicola
12.06.2008 @ 21:39 pm
hmmm, sounds like a lot of fun to me… is that because i have kids and getting out to weekend folksy festivals are a thing of the past (well at least for the next 5 years or until i can get a good baby sitter to watch them for the weekend – would have to move home for that). Anyways – enjoy the weekend long festivals while you can.
Comment by Jen
12.06.2008 @ 22:00 pm
actually our friends are bringing their little boy who’s 3. it’s that kind of festival
Comment by Nicola
13.06.2008 @ 09:47 am
nice one, that sounds like fun. hope it doesnt rain on you guys. enjoy!
Comment by avril
15.06.2008 @ 05:57 am
Its been so sunny.