all i want is an honest goodbye
i’m in full on countdown mode at work, with only 10 days left in the office. i have a bunch of stuff i’m supposed to be doing, but i can’t seem to force myself to buckle down and care – i’ve already given blood, sweat, and tears to this job, and if anyone deserves to coast for the next two weeks, i reckon it’s me.
in the meantime, i feel lighter and lighter with each passing day, which is all the confirmation i really needed that leaving was the right decision. this weight i’ve been carrying around for nearly a year now is finally lifting. it reminds me of that trick from childhood, where you stand in a doorway, pressing your arms against the sides with all your might… but when you finally walk through to the other side and stop pressing, your arms float upward, as if of their own accord.
which leaves only the matter of my leaving “do”. tradition dictates that i invite all my colleagues to an either an afternoon lunch or evening drinks, that there be a present and a goodbye speech. needless to say, i’m not one to be bound by tradition. my pathological boss has been pressuring me about this – she has a compulsion to put on a “good show”, despite the fact that almost everyone knows the reason i’m leaving is because of her insanity… and i suspect she knows this as well. but nevermind.
so i told her i didn’t want to have a lunch or drinks thing – that i didn’t want a lot of attention or fuss, and that since it was *my* last day, i shouldn’t have to be uncomfortable if i don’t want to. i told her that what i was going to do instead was bring in a bunch of cakes and sweets and biscuits for my colleagues and friends to enjoy as my way of saying goodbye. that suits my personality – low key and sugary
so what does she do instead??! sends an email to half of the entire adult services department, inviting them to *bring a dish* and come say goodbye at lunchtime on my last day!! she has completely co-opted my last day to suit *her* needs, and (in her smarmy way) acting as though she’s giving me a big sendoff as well!! instead of my nice low key fairy cakes and chocolate treats afternoon tea, i’m now being forced to host a potluck luncheon.
it just completely underscores everything i’ve ever hated about working under her – that even on what should be a jubilant day of freedom, she would find a way to hold me hostage to her agenda and trap me into something i don’t want.
sigh. 10 days and counting…
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Comment by Charlotte
12.06.2008 @ 05:13 am
Good thing you’re leaving. She sounds like a monster.
You must be looking forward to your new job!
Comment by Jen
12.06.2008 @ 22:05 pm
by way of an epilogue…
she came to me laughing about it today. i was not amused. she felt bad, but kept pressing the point. i kept saying “no”. i may have been a little abrupt.
she caved.
i won
Comment by avril
15.06.2008 @ 05:54 am
Don’t feel bad about being harsh. She’s a Sociopath and very soon you will no longer need to share air space with her.