exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

put my worries on a shelf

by Jen at 8:39 pm on 5.06.2008 | 5 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

i’m almost afraid to type this… but i think jonno may have quit smoking again.

i’m afraid to write it, because i don’t want to jinx it. it’s funny – he does it without any fanfare or attention. without even mentioning it, in fact. which means i only noticed yesterday evening that i hadn’t seen him smoke in more than a day. which would make this day 3.

the last time he quit, he stayed quit for 9 months. it was the longest he’d been quit since he started smoking at 12 or 13 years old. he swore he didn’t have any cravings or inclinations. i’d allowed myself to relax and stop being on guard against disappointment. and then i came back from a holiday, and he’d started again. i was gutted, absolutely gutted.

i love him to pieces, and i want so much for him to be healthy. so i’ve got my fingers, toes, and nosehairs crossed that it will stick this time.

after all, it only has to stick once.

nick drake – been smoking too long

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  • 1

    Comment by Sarah

    5.06.2008 @ 22:28 pm

    DH quit smoking the exact same way. It was soooo hard for me because I wanted to wish him words of encouragement and such, but if I did, it only reminded him of cigs. I wish him best of luck, though!

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    6.06.2008 @ 05:25 am


  • 3

    Comment by Strawberry

    6.06.2008 @ 05:26 am

    I had a boyfriend quit that way, on the quiet… I never noticed until day 6. ? ??: grin

    Fingers crossed for him.

  • 4

    Comment by Nicola

    12.06.2008 @ 21:44 pm

    Has Johno started again? hope not. Smoking smells.

  • 5

    Comment by Jen

    12.06.2008 @ 22:03 pm

    i think it’s been… 10 days now! we shall see )

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