every day i look at the world from my window
i love this time of year, and in particular, i love our flat at this time of year. our flat is full of big wide windows, and with both southeast and northwest exposure, i find myself becoming attuned to the different qualities of the light with the different seasons. and so i love this brief late spring/early summer dalliance, when i naturally awaken with the hazy morning sun, and the bedroom is just slightly cooled from the night air which crept in through the open window while i slept, yet i’m still warm under crisp sheets and a light duvet. and waking up that few minutes early in the morning, being *awake* rather than hitting the snooze button another time, means i have enough time to enjoy my cup of coffee, step out onto the balcony and watch the light change as it comes up over the far hill.
and when i get home, i can open the windows to let the and do some yoga in the afternoon glow, take a shower flooded in natural light, then cook dinner while looking out over the reddening rooftops. i can eat supper watching the sunset from one window, and the moonrise from the other.
it’s really the best part of living here, and even if the rest of the summer turns out to be another sodden, grey mess… i’ve had this week of glorious light.
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Comment by nikoline
15.05.2008 @ 05:18 am