the sun is arisin’, most definitely
there’s been both a lot, and yet nothing happening this week. i’m in a bit of limbo at the moment, so i’ve felt the need for some quietude.
but i woke up today to the first truly warm sunrise of the coming summer, and this breathtaking show of early morning jewels, balanced perfectly to dance in the light.
it felt like a sign. of what, i’m not yet sure – but i’ll let you know as soon as i do.

From dewy dreams, my soul, arise,
From love’s deep slumber and from death,
For lo! the trees are full of sighs
Whose leaves the morn admonisheth.
Eastward the gradual dawn prevails
Where softly-burning fires appear,
Making to tremble all those veils
Of grey and golden gossamer.
While sweetly, gently, secretly,
The flowery bells of morn are stirred
And the wise choirs of faery
Begin (innumerous!) to be heard.
“from dewy dreams” – james joyce

tommy james & the shondells – crystal blue persuasion
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