exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

oh what a mess

by Jen at 7:44 pm on 23.04.2008 | 3 Comments
filed under: londonlife, rant and rage

so i’m officially registered to vote, and my first election is coming up on 1 May for London mayor.

J got a brochure in today’s post outlining the choices. up to now, i can’t say i’ve paid a lot of attention. in fact, part of me was hoping i wouldn’t get registered in time, because the three major candidates (well two major candidates, and one b-stringer) are all a bunch of nitwits. there’s red ken, barmy boris, and brian who?

here are my alternate choices, according to the pamphlet:

bnp: “remember London the way it used to be? asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are engulfing London. stop immigration. house british people first – it’s only fair. british jobs for british workers.” “we should celebrate things like st. george’s day and other christian festivals like st. patrick’s day, instead of other festivals such as ramadan and eid.”

bnp – the (not even thinly veiled) racist party

the left list: “take the battle for the future of London’s working majority against the wealthy minority into City Hall. London would be better with stronger trade unions.”

left list – the delusional socialist party.

the green party: “abolish the congestion charge for the cleanest cars, while charging the gas-guzzlers more. oppose all airport expansion. vote green party as your first choice, and use your second choice for the ‘least worst’ of the other main candidates.”

green party – the “we haven’t got a snowball’s chance in global warming hell” party

uk independence party: “no to mass immigration. no to the european union. cap the cost of the olympic games.”

ukip – the “closing the barn door after the horse has left the stable” party.

the christian choice: “promote marriage and stable family. stop the mega-mosque. champion the unborn.”

christian choice – the “what would jesus do (except practice tolerance towards other religions and beliefs)” party.

the english democrats: “putting england first. £13.5 billion of your money bankrolls scotland every single year. st. george’s day is mocked.”

english democrats – the “wake up and smell the scottish oil money before you go cutting off your nose to spite your face” party.

london elections: what a joke.

dinosaur jr – freak scene

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  • 1

    Comment by noble savage

    24.04.2008 @ 06:17 am

    ukip – the “closing the barn door after the horse has left the stable” party.

    That is the most apt description of UKIP I have ever read.

  • 2

    Comment by Vol Abroad

    29.04.2008 @ 16:14 pm

    I actually thought the brochure was a great thing. Even though almost all the candidates are mad, at least they were transparently mad.

  • 3

    Pingback by Jen’s Den of Iniquity » election

    1.05.2008 @ 18:04 pm

    [...] no matter how crummy the candidates are, or how lost in the sea my vote is, i can’t help but be eternally grateful that my vote will [...]

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