exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

do lots, get nowhere

by Jen at 1:16 pm on 21.04.2008Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

seems i’m not the only one who thinks the passport interview scheme is a waste:

Millions of pounds are being wasted on a scheme aimed at combating passport fraud, the Conservatives have said.

The party voiced its concern as the BBC learned that out of 90,000 applicants given compulsory face-to-face interviews, none had been turned down.

Shadow immigration minister Damian Green said the interview process and its charges were a waste of money.

“Every hardened criminal, organised gang and international terrorist are not going this route to get their fake British passports, they’ll be doing [it] other ways.

“A significant chunk of the cost of a passport is now going on these interviews, which so far are proving to be completely useless.”

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