exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

and we’re slow to acknowledge the knots in our laces

by Jen at 8:55 pm on 5.04.2008 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

i’ve taken a few random yoga classes at various points in my life, the last one probably 5 years ago or so. i’ve enjoyed them for all the stretching and breathing stuff, less so for the touchy-feely “connecting with the life force and aligning chakras” stuff. i was looking into classes again recently, but a) they all require travel to get to and b) they’re not particularly cheap.

so i got a video and yoga mat from amazon instead. total cost: £20. location: living room floor. i figured if i really stick with it, then i’ll see about investing the energy and money into classes.

wow. your body can age a *lot* in six years.

where i’ve always been a fairly limber and balanced person, today i was seeing stars and falling over. my wrists hurt. my knees hurt. i was tilting and leaning. i was wheezing and straining. i felt fragile.

i am physically beginning to feel the signs of aging.

it’s not very fun. i don’t think i like it.

someone please make it stop.

dr.dog – heart it races (architecture in helsinki cover)

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the original: architecture in helsinki – heart it races

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  • 1

    Comment by Charlotte

    6.04.2008 @ 06:20 am

    Sorry to hear about the stiffness, but yoga will loosen you up quickly! I’m looking out for a good DVD – which one did you get?

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    6.04.2008 @ 10:34 am

    it’s called “yogalates” – a combo of yoga and pilates. supposedly stabilizes and strengthens your core muscles around spine and abdomen, as well as flexibility and overall strength.

    we shall see!

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