walking on water
yesterday was the vernal equinox – that point at which the balance between night and day begins to swing back in my favour, the dark recedes and the fullness of light and everything it brings, is elevated.
the world has already begun regreening itself in these parts. there is a freshness emerging that pierces the air and hits the back of your lungs with an invigorating sting.
watching the dormant spring back to life never fails to astonish me, even as i eagerly anticipate it every year. it’s incredible to think about the complex biochemical processes which occur, deep inside the seemingly-moribund and near-extinct, bringing forth a flourish of renewal and growth from the brink of death. all because the sun returns just in the nick of time.
these past few weeks have been hard – i’ve felt like some vital organ was withering and hardening inside me, forming a thick, bitter crust. i’ve been waiting to turn a corner, waiting for a weight to shift – needing a change in some inner balance to bring the pendulum back into rhythm.
the easter holiday signifies rebirth for many. and while i no longer celebrate the story which inspires it, i will participate in spirit when i plant my tiny seeds and my tiny hopes in my carefully tended flowerbox this weekend, and anxiously await rebirth in the form of tomatoes.
a miracle if there ever was one.
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