exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

this is the kind of shit people read and think is news

by Jen at 8:27 pm on 11.03.2008Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

the screaming title of the article on the free rag passed out as you enter the tube?

“l.a. gangs come to london”

the actual article: (see if you can spot the ridiculous leap of logic!)

America’s terrifying gang problems are coming to the streets of London, the Home Secretary warned today.

Jacqui Smith admitted there is increasing evidence that hoodies are wearing “colours” to show allegiance – just like rival LA gangs The Crips and The Bloods.

And rivals are shooting and stabbing each other for simply straying into a postcode which is another gang’s terrority, usually marked out either by graffiti or by hanging trainers stolen from mugging victims from telephone wires.

Smith said: “Some elements of gang culture tend to come from the States. We have seen the development of things like the use of tags, the use of colours. Those are all things we need to address.”

The Bloods and the Crips, which boast more than 30,000 members each, have terrorised LA for more than 35 years.

Hundreds have been murdered in tit-for-tat killings, with many being killed for nothing more than wearing the wrong colour T-shirt.

Smith also warned parents that the age of gangsters involved in violence in London is dropping, meaning families must keep a better eye on where their children are and what they are up to.

But one former London gang member dismissed the Home Secretary’s claims – by saying the problem facing the capital is even worse that America.

Ex-Hackney gangster Darrell James, 35, said: “Kids in London aren’t mimicking LA gangsters – they are even worse here than there. You can’t mimic something you have never seen. In LA, gangsters are 21 but in London it’s much younger.

“The whole system has broken down. The family is broken and the schools are broken so the kids have nowhere else to go except onto the streets.”


(emphasis mine)

umm, okay. the fact that some gang members are starting to wear the same colour hoodies does *not* mean that london has been invaded by the crips and the bloods, and we are in for all out gang warfare, as the article would have you believe.

also: anyone who actually believes that gang violence in london is worse than south central l.a. is off their fucking head and clearly has not a single shred of credibility.

why do i even look at these stupid things? they just rile me up and they aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

sensationalistic fearmongering directed at people who don’t know how read critically. roll

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