exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london


by Jen at 6:36 pm on 6.03.2008 | 15 Comments
filed under: londonlife

off to a meeting in kingston this afternoon, i headed into the tube station at vauxhall. i’d just missed a train so the platform was empty and i sat on the bench to wait. i had my ipod firmly plugged into my ears and was just zoning out when out of the corner of my eye i saw this guy walk slowly and unevenly down the platform. he walked with the sort of weaving unsteady gait and contracted body posture that some people with cerebral palsy have, and on a second glance, he also had the unbalanced look in his eyes of someone with mental health problems – a look i’ve seen often enough living in big cities and working in social services, but have come to dismiss as a sadly common part of urban daily life.

he came and sat down on the bench next to me – near enough, but not uncomfortably close, hovering only at the periphery of my awareness. he had a newspaper and pen, and after sitting for a few moments started scribbling in an unsteady hand.

the wind picked up as the train approached from the depths of the tunnel. i began to sling my bag across my shoulder and prepare to stand.

he nudged me gently with his elbow, and i turned to give him a quizzical look. he nodded at me with a small smile as the train squealed to a stop and the doors opened spilling out people.

with a tremorous finger he pointed to something he’d written shakily in the margins of the newspaper. it was written so shakily that i had to look closely to read it, as he reached his hand inside the lining of his jacket.

and then i was flying down the platform, running as fast as i could, ricocheting off the crowds of people to the furthest train car, leaping aboard just as the doors slammed close, and tripping down the aisles over bags and legs til i could go no further and my legs gave way dumping me into the nearest seat, my body overcome with shaking, my lungs gasping for air.

it was only then that my brain finally caught up with my racing heart and registered what it had seen written there in blue scrawled ink:

“i will shoot you.”



  • 1

    Comment by noble savage

    6.03.2008 @ 19:00 pm

    Whoa, that is seriously scary. I’m so glad you’re okay! I wonder if it was some kind of sick cry for help. ? ??:

  • 2

    Comment by Stacey

    6.03.2008 @ 20:16 pm


  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    6.03.2008 @ 20:27 pm

    totally freaky. but having lived in big cities for nearly 20 years now, if that’s the freakiest thing to ever happen to me thus far, i count myself pretty lucky.

    there was that time i saw a guy pull a knife on someone on the nyc subway… but that didn’t happen to *me* )

  • 4

    Comment by Your Sister

    6.03.2008 @ 20:40 pm

    Jinkies Christmas! i am glad to hear you are all right. we have plenty of room in the basement if you need to leave today.

  • 5

    Comment by Vol Abroad

    6.03.2008 @ 22:18 pm


  • 6

    Comment by Thomas Foolery

    6.03.2008 @ 23:52 pm

    Weird guy sits down, notices pretty girl looking at him funny, and thinks “I’m going to mess with her head”

    I’m guessing he just wanted to get a rise out of you. I don’t blame you for running away though!

  • 7

    Comment by Nicole

    7.03.2008 @ 00:21 am

    oh- fuck me. . . this made tears spring to my eyes. Jesus.

  • 8

    Comment by vanessa

    7.03.2008 @ 00:30 am

    omg how horriblle. so much love to you.


  • 9

    Comment by Jen

    7.03.2008 @ 06:36 am

    yeah, in retrospect i do think he was probably just doing it to get a reaction… which he got.

    it was weird how my body just took over though, before i had a chance for conscious thought!

  • 10

    Comment by Charlotte

    7.03.2008 @ 06:38 am

    Sorry you had such a grim experience, and well done for reacting fast. Whether he was trying to get attention or not, it was sick and the best thing you did was put distance between you.

  • 11

    Comment by Erin

    7.03.2008 @ 10:41 am

    How horrifying! What an awful person! I’m glad you’re ok.

  • 12

    Comment by Katt

    7.03.2008 @ 14:54 pm

    Holy Crap! How truly frightening! I can’t even begin to imagine what images ran across your mind. ? ??:

  • 13

    Comment by Strawberry

    7.03.2008 @ 16:57 pm

    Nooooooo! 8-O Maybe it’s the naive country-bumpkin in me, but I would have had to let the police know about it. I wouldn’t have been able to rest for fear that I’d read in the paper the next day/week/month about another girl who did get shot on the Tube by a mentally disturbed man with an unsteady gait.

    So very pleased you’re alright. Well done your reflexes!

  • 14

    Comment by Tabitha

    13.03.2008 @ 03:49 am

    “it was weird how my body just took over though, before i had a chance for conscious thought!”

    Tell me about it! I once witnessed a person pick up a stroller containing a toddler and carrying it to the top of a moving down escalator in a matter of seconds. I was right behind them following suite. All because someone started screaming and running down the platform, because someone jumped in front of an oncoming train.

    I’m SO glad you’re okay, even though you’re shaken.

  • 15

    Comment by whylime

    17.03.2008 @ 19:33 pm

    God, that’s awful. damn. Good for you and your city reflexes. Who cares if it was a real threat! damn scary either way!

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