exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

but it feels so much better now that it’s done

by Jen at 8:32 pm on 4.03.2008 | 7 Comments
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

i got into work today and wrote this email to jonno:

From: J
Sent: 4 March 2008 10:00
To: J
Subject: okay then

let’s go. i can’t take it any more. i’m tired of commutes where i can’t even get on the train. i’m tired of stepping over piles of vomit. i’m tired of the incredible passivity. i’m tired of inept public services. i’m tired of the invasion of privacy. i’m tired of the incredible expense.

let’s go. let’s get out of here as soon as possible. let’s go tomorrow.

and so we’re going. we’ve decided that it’s full steam ahead with the plans to leave.

it feels good to have made a decision, to finally have a direction.

i feel like i’m breaking free of a giant weight.

shout out louds – tonight i have to leave it

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  • 1

    Comment by sue

    5.03.2008 @ 00:54 am

    Time to come out from lurkerville )

    Found your blog awhile ago on some expat site. I am not an expat, just doing the long distance dating thing with a Brit.

    Be forewarned those same issues exist in Vancouver (which is where I am assuming you want to escape to) though not to the same extent of what you have been experiencing. As with anywhere it depends on what part of town you are in. Keep in mind too that Vancouver is hosting the winter Olympics in 2 years

    I grew up in Victoria, lived in Vancouver, and am now in Alberta. If you would like, feel free to keep in touch for any information you require to make the puddle jump )

  • 2

    Comment by nikoline

    5.03.2008 @ 03:22 am


  • 3

    Comment by Strawberry

    5.03.2008 @ 05:50 am

    That moment is the hardest, but once it’s done, you are so free to move onwards and upwards. Well done you for taking that step!

    “i’m tired of the incredible passivity. i’m tired of the invasion of privacy. i’m tired of the incredible expense.”
    So true, so true, so true!

  • 4

    Comment by noble savage

    5.03.2008 @ 09:31 am

    So that citizenship didn’t sway you any, huh? )

    I’ll be sad to see you go but glad that you are making a fresh start where you will hopefully be happier.

  • 5

    Comment by Jen

    5.03.2008 @ 20:45 pm

    @sue – thanks for the offer! yeah, i know all cities have some of this, but what i saw of vancouver doesn’t even come *close* to london.

    thanks all! i do feel really good having decided. a little sad about the plans i’m deferring (again), but overall more hopeful than i’ve felt in ages.

  • 6

    Comment by Erin

    5.03.2008 @ 22:50 pm

    Congratulations! We’ll have to rename the board soon, since everyone will be in Canada! razz

  • 7

    Comment by Tabitha

    13.03.2008 @ 03:55 am

    What will I do without you?? I need my N.England->NYC->LON connection to remain intact. Yes, I’m being selfish here!

    I wish you all the best because I know it’s what you want, need, and deserve. ^_^

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