and she says patience, darling
i’m exceptionally bad at waiting. waiting makes me terribly anxious – palpitations, churning stomach, the works. i’ve always had the patience of a fruit fly, and try as i might, i’ve not gotten any better at it. the utter lack of control is completely crazymaking. i hate to wait. and right now i’m playing the waiting game on multiple big things: waiting to hear about my job interview, waiting to hear about my grad school plans, waiting for a rather large cheque to clear, waiting for my root canal, waiting for a doctor’s referral. i’m waiting for post, waiting for emails, waiting for online parcel tracking. i’m waiting for people to get back to me, waiting for applications to be processed, waiting for decisions to be made. i’m waiting for validation, waiting for acknowledgement, waiting for credit, waiting for consultation, waiting to qualify.
i can only conclude that the gods are conspiring to drive me over the edge.
built to spill – the wait
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1.03.2008 @ 10:57 am
[...] to find out i need an expensive root canal. in the interim, i still didn’t get any of the things i’ve been waiting on, i have to drop out of the edinburgh marathon because i’ve badly injured my calf muscle, my [...]