exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

and keeping it inside is worse still

by Jen at 6:08 pm on 22.02.2008 | 4 Comments
filed under: mutterings and musings

Too good not to copy: Charlotte and Amity have both done this meme, and it immediately resonated with me. So here are 15 things I’ve never said, but wished I could have:

1. It makes me sad that you don’t love yourself enough to let others love you.
2. Our relationship feels wildly imbalanced, but you think everything is fine. That hurts.
3. He cheated on you.
4. I wouldn’t have moved if I had known it would mean losing you. I miss you.
5. I know you got pregnant “accidentally on purpose”.
6. I sometimes think about what life would be like without you. It scares me. But the fact that I know I would be okay scares me even more.
7. The reason you’ve never found “the one” is because you expect a servant rather than a partner – until you come down off your high horse, you’ll never be happy.
8. You almost cost me my sanity – but I still have a giant crush on you.
9. I’ll never forgive you for picking him over me when I needed you most.
10. You used me to prop you up. I pretended I didn’t know you were lying to my face. You were never my friend, just a leech I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of.
11. I love you. I hope I get to tell you in person one day.
12. I think your faith in God is misplaced – but I am moved by the comfort you get from it.
13. You sound ridiculous during sex.
14. What bothers me isn’t that you take credit for my work – it’s that you think I’m too stupid to know you’re doing it.
15. I wish I’d had the courage to kiss you.

dismemberment plan – what do you want me to say?

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  • 1

    Comment by Charlotte

    22.02.2008 @ 19:10 pm

    Wah! This is brilliant! Isn’t there something SOOO satisfying about just coming out and saying it? Personally I’m feeling purged.

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    22.02.2008 @ 20:48 pm

    it really is satisfying!

  • 3

    Comment by nikoline

    23.02.2008 @ 06:43 am

    it’s even satisfying to read! think i may try my hand at this…

  • 4

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    5.03.2008 @ 03:54 am

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