exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

high art ‘n other stuff

by Jen at 7:25 pm on 2.01.2008 | 5 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

“A while back, Dick, Barry and I agreed that what really matters is *WHAT* you like, not what you *ARE* like. Books, records, films – these things matter! Call me shallow, it’s the fucking truth.”

High Fidelity

in something slightly-resembling-a-resolution-but-not-really, because-i-don’t-do-resolutions, i want to spend less time in front of the computer with glazed eyes and more time reading. somehow i’ve gotten into the habit of only really reading just before bed (too crowded on the train, too busy during lunch hour, too addicted to the internet in the evening) … which means that i am currently reading about 5 pages a night at midnight before my eyelids droop. it’s taking me ages to get through books that i actually enjoy, and that makes me sad. also, i have a way of forgetting about books and movies, even ones that i’ve really loved – it’s some bizarre form of amnesia that i’ve never been able to explain, but it’s more than a little embarrassing when i find myself saying “oooh! i loved that book! remember when…ummmm….”

so in an effort to combat the slide into cultural oblivion and refresh my failing memory, i’m stealing a page from nicole’s book and keeping a list (i’m putting the page link up there on the menu bar) of all the books and movies i read and see this year. yesterday got off to a kick-ass start with 3 movies (one light, one medium, one heavy) and i’m a good chunk of the way into my latest book.

hopefully a good omen of things to come in 2008.

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