exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london


by Jen at 1:15 pm on 20.01.2008 | 3 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

had our friends kerryn and tracey round for dinner last night. as i haven’t cooked in a while i decided to do an all south african themed meal. we had:

bobotie – South African version of a curried mince pie topped with savoury baked egg custard

yellow rice with raisins – traditional accompaniment to bobotie

tomato and onion kachoomer – chopped side salad


and for pudding, vetkoek - sweet fried dough with butter and jam

a few nice south african wines to go with.

i really wish i’d thought to take a photo of it. it’s always a little nerve-wracking cooking people’s childhood dishes, particularly where i have no real frame of reference. but last night three saffas testified to the authenticity of my recipes and cleaned their plates… i was well chuffed!



  • 1

    Comment by nikoline

    20.01.2008 @ 15:32 pm

    good on you! )

  • 2

    Comment by Charlotte

    20.01.2008 @ 16:41 pm

    Here’s where I confess that I have never cooked ANY of these traditional SAfrican dishes. Vetkoek even! I am mightily impressed, and I’m sure they were all delicious.

  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    20.01.2008 @ 17:59 pm

    ha! well, it’s fun to have an appreciative audience to try it all out on ) i once spent about two weeks trying to perfect melktert and koeksisters. koeksisters are my favourite, but they’re pretty labour intensive!!

    but i like watching my friends gobble them all up grin

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