exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

file under: oh. my. god. ewwww!!!

by Jen at 8:07 pm on 4.01.2008 | 5 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

so the office i work in is predominantly professional women. we’re talking social workers, managers, psychologists, speech therapists, etc. all educated, well groomed, well dressed women.

and yet, when i went into the women’s restroom today, and entered the toilet stall…

…there, on the toilet, *behind* the lid hinge, where the porcelain abuts the wall…

…was a small, unmistakeable, perfectly formed turd.

which means one of those educated, well groomed, professional women… is not properly toilet trained.

i just had to tell someone.



  • 1

    Comment by Nicole

    5.01.2008 @ 11:37 am

    Maybe there was a visit from a very large rat?

    Not sure which is worse.

  • 2

    Comment by Amity

    5.01.2008 @ 20:13 pm

    I blame the women who hover. If no one hovered and actually got their bodily fluids inside the toilet instead of all over the damn seat, we wouldn’t all be forced to do the same lest we sit in a puddle of someone else’s excrement or urine.


  • 3

    Comment by Jen

    5.01.2008 @ 21:04 pm

    hmmm, but how did it get *behind* the toilet seat cover??

  • 4

    Comment by nikoline

    5.01.2008 @ 23:46 pm

    just ewww. and how embarassing for said person, although maybe they didn’t know? or maybe did it on purpose? that seems more boy to me somehow, but who knows….

  • 5

    Comment by vanessa

    11.01.2008 @ 02:17 am

    DAvid Sadaris I think has a piece on ppl who poop in stores. Liek changing rooms and the like. It’s funny. I think it was on This American Life

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