exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

with your smile kept inside

by Jen at 9:37 pm on 3.01.2008 | 1 Comment
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

i’ve been laughing all day at the dire weather warnings over a predicted 4 cm of snow (2 cm in london). headlines in yesterdays evening papers screamed about the “travel chaos” that would ensue, warning that by rush hour this evening the nation would be held hostage in the grip of a few snowflakes. everyone eagerly anticipated a snow day on friday.

and what has materialised? almost less than nothing. as usual, the scottish highlands got a little. a few other northern areas got “drifts of up to 4 cm”.

newsflash: 4 cm is not, by any stretch of the wildfire imagination, a “drift”.

for purposes of comparison, boston got more than 2 feet of snow in december alone.

sometimes life in london is sublimely absurd.

the gris gris – winter weather

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    Comment by mum

    3.01.2008 @ 22:58 pm

    News flash!!! Boston only got 27.7inches (aprox 70.4 cm) snow in Dec missing the record by 0.2 inches!! But never fear, we probably won’t get any more because I bought 3 20# bags of snow melt—-after all the stores ran out in Dec!

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