the wonderful world wide web
there are a few big projects underway this weekend at jen’s den. i’m in the process of transfering all my photos, new and old, over to their own subdomain (which i’ve been doing in a half-assed way up til now – sloppy, sloppy, sloppy), doing an upgrade of my photo gallery software, and upgrading wordpress.
doing all this on my own is more than a little nervewracking, because i know just enough to be dangerous, but not enough to fix things if i really screw them up (except for the obvious de-install, and re-install the backup files). and there’s always something – some bizarre error message will pop up, or formatting goes haywire, and i have a panic attack. my heart starts racing while i try desperately to identify and rectify the problem, madly searching support forums and guidance docs, all the while cursing my need to “fuck with that which ain’t broke”. i struggle through eventually, and always swear i’ll never touch a php file again.
the wonderful part about hosting my own blog is that i can do whatever i want with it. the downside is that i am flying by the seat of my pants, learning from my mistakes as i go along, and often getting amateurish results.
i *am* learning though. it’s only when i find myself helping others out, or explaining how to do certain things that i realise just how much i have learned over the past few years. and i’m really pleased about that – i’ll never be a web designer, but i may one day be a halfway competent web mistress. that’s more than i ever expected.
still, there are some days when i would pay any amount of money to just have someone come fix it. i have a feeling saturday or sunday may be one of those days.
(so please excuse any weirdness you may encounter over the weekend and ignore the dust!)
jamiroquai – virtual insanity
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