my eyes got hooked on that beautiful morning sun
and so it ends.
all in all, 2007 was pretty uneventful for me. and that’s not a particularly bad thing – after several years of constant change, i think i needed this year to settle in, to allow things to settle. at first glance, that might look like settling for, or settling down – but it’s not the same. not at all. i am no longer afraid of moving slowly – only of standing still.
if the past few years have been writ in big bold strokes, this year was found in the small details. so much of life is in the details. so much love is in the details. real growth happens in tiny increments, often invisible to the naked eye, or passing observation – and the most important change only ever happens from the inside.
but new year’s eve is as good a time as any to look back and realise just how far you’ve come, and where you want to go. i was reading some old journals the other day and found this:
you know how sometimes you are able to step completely outside your life, and it’s like looking at the earth from the moon? seeing it as this miraculously blue and beautiful planet – a glittering marble. and when you’re in it, it’s hard to appreciate just how amazing it is. because your days so often are filled with the pavement in front of you as you trudge along, and the sky full of clouds above. and that’s just the way it is – most of the time, life is the dull and endless pavement.
but every so often, it’s a bright, shiny new marble.
and so that’s what i’m hoping for more of in 2008 – learning to step outside the grey, see beyond the clouds and pavement, and appreciate this glittering marble while i’m on it.
happy new year to you all!
wishing you peace, love and joy –

van morrison – brand new day
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Comment by mum
31.12.2007 @ 19:03 pm
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! From about 3,000 miles across the big blue marble!. Love you!
Comment by nikoline
31.12.2007 @ 22:43 pm
yay for the big blue marble and yay for you!