exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

never thought i’d miss it ’til i didn’t have it

by Jen at 6:20 pm on 14.12.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

ahhh, how i miss snow. big, white piles of pillowsoft snow. snow that slows down the earth’s spin, dampens down the volume, fills in the nooks with lofty frozen batting, smooths over the rough edges, makes the world clean again. there’s a sweet smell to the air when it snows like that – a lightness that gets up inside your nostrils and fills your lungs. a brightness that illuminates the sky like moonglow, bouncing off the underside of the low clouds. snow that drifts through the air like glittering feathers, coating the pavement, the lampposts, the brims of hats with a thick icing of fluff. snow that puts life on pause, creates calm in a storm, and merits wonder and awe.

boston got snow yesterday. i have snow envy.


sambassadeur – ice & snow

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  • 1

    Comment by vanessa

    23.12.2007 @ 03:12 am

    girl- this snow is for the fucking birds. It sucks monkey balls. It comes up to G’s chest. I luge into my driveway every day. I kind of hate it even if it is pretty.

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    23.12.2007 @ 09:47 am

    we should totally trade places.

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