this weekend has been an exercise in futility. apparently over the years, i have collected quite a lot of photos. almost a couple thousand. and in order to put those all neatly on their own subdomain, i have to re-organise them all (my previous method of assembling them was haphazard at best) and re-upload them all. add to that mix a server connection which has picked this weekend to freak out, and you have a lot of hair-tearing.
in any case, almost all of them are back up – though i’m still working on renaming, sorting and captioning them all. there was some angst about putting a lot of the crappy older photos back up (some of them are truly cringeworthy)… but they’re part of the journey i’ve taken since starting this blog. thank goodness things have improved somewhat since the days way back when i was using a 2MP camera… and i’ve learned a little something about photography along the way.
if you feel like checking them out, clicking the photographia tab at the top will take you there. bear in mind that they’re still unlabelled, unordered, and the thumbnails are wacky. but at least they’re all in one place.