exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

you’re so damn hot

by Jen at 6:26 pm on 28.11.2007 | 5 Comments
filed under: eclectica, mundane mayhem

the other day at thanksgiving dinner, the conversation turned to the “laminated list”.

you know the “laminated list”. from the friends wiki:

The show also popularized the idea of the “laminated list”, a list of celebrities that a person’s partner will permit them to sleep with if they were to ever meet them. In “The One with Frank Jr.” the characters exchange “lists” verbally, while Ross creates a physical list and laminates it, making his choices permanent.

and then i read this post, which reminded me of it. so, without further ado, i will answer the burning question: who’s on my laminated list?

1. john cusack

john cusack

he’s quirky and funny and warm and self-effacing and just seems very genuine. plus, having been like 16 when “say anything” came out didn’t hurt. who can resist a vulnerable man with a boom box? my crush for him has continued to grow throughout the years with his offbeat movie roles and understated stardom.

2. dave grohl

dave grohl

i *may* have mention my love for him here before. the man is a modern day rock god, but a goofy, endearing one. the day i almost got his sweat on me remains one of the highlights of my fandom.

3. brad pitt

brad pitt

pedestrian choice, i know. but two words: “fight club”. also, at some point, he became a pretty darn good actor. and i was brainwashed with repeated viewings of mr. and mrs. smith. )

okay, here come the strange ones…

4. andre 3000

andre 3000

he’s soooo freaky-deaky, but he’s completely confident in his uniqueness – whether he’s rocking jeans or a wildly floral three piece suit or a blond wig and green-fringed trousers. and he’s a musical genius with more than a hint of jimi hendrix.

5. ewan mcgregor

ewan mcgregor

i’ve never been a fan of his movies… but i love watching him on television. his personality and humour really make me all melty inside, and he wears a kilt for crying out loud.

and the girl crushes…

gwen stefani

gwen stefani

she’s got style, a ridiculously successful career, red lips and a washboard stomach. but i still liked it best when she had pink hair.

drew barrymore

drew barrymore

she’s a little bit ditzy, she’s got that wildchild past… there’s just something about her.

and finally, the obligatory angelina jolie

angelina jolie

let’s face it, there’s not a laminated list she’s *not* on. and i was brainwashed with repeated viewings of mr. and mrs. smith. )

ok go – you’re so damn hot

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  • 1

    Comment by texasgurl

    28.11.2007 @ 19:17 pm

    Funny, when I started reading this I thought, “Strange that no one has put Brad Pitt on their lists,” and then you did! Because he is sexy. I will never get over him in Thelma and Louise. MyGod he was young and beautiful then. And can I also say that I totally and wholeheartedly agree with your girlfriend choices. If only given three to choose I might have picked the same 3. Gwen. *Sigh* She won me over with “I’m just a Girl,” and Drew is a trip. She makes people nervous, and I loooove that about her. And Angie is hot. Just. Hot. Everybody knows it.

  • 2

    Comment by Amity

    28.11.2007 @ 20:40 pm

    I’m right there with you except for Dave Grohl and Gwen Stefani. Though I respect both of them professionally, I don’t find either that fuckable (can I say fuckable on your blog?)

  • 3

    Comment by Amy

    28.11.2007 @ 20:54 pm

    I can dig on ALL those. But I would also add Kevin Spacey. I have a strange crush on that man and he’s the main reason I watch “American Beauty” repeatedly.

  • 4

    Comment by Jen

    28.11.2007 @ 21:07 pm

    I’m right there with you except for Dave Grohl and Gwen Stefani. Though I respect both of them professionally, I don’t find either that fuckable (can I say fuckable on your blog?)

    Wouldn’t be my blog if you couldn’t say “fuckable” )

    That’s okay, less competition for me!

    amy – i think you can have kevin spacey all to yourself lol

  • 5

    Comment by Sarah

    28.11.2007 @ 21:18 pm

    I feel the exact same with with ewan mcgregor. I never really noticed him, but his open, funny, self-deprecating humor in Long Way Round (and the clips I’ve seen of Long Way Down) have completely endeared him to me.

    As for the girls, I’d add Lisa Loeb. Again, her reality show made her really tickle my fancy (that sounds far more perverted than intended, but I’m going to leave it in anyway).

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