exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

coming out of hibernation

by Jen at 11:18 am on 25.11.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem, photo

as someone who tends to go into hibernation mode as the temperature drops, yesterday was a pretty busy day for me.

the march went well – we started in trafalgar square and headed straight down tottenham court road. amusing to see all the tourists taking photos of the demonstration, as if it was another london attraction. there was even a bit of an impromptu sit-in in front of a strip club we passed on the route – good to see some passion amongst the next generation of younger women.

a few photos


sit in

tottenham ct rd

after the march, i headed over to the always delightful nicole’s house for her thanksgiving get together – which quickly descended into drunken boardgame madness, as such gatherings are wont to do )





more amusingly tipsy photos here

even more activity today as i head off for an afternoon sunday brunch with friends. all this is interaction is a real shock to the system! more later today…



  • 1

    Comment by Nicole

    25.11.2007 @ 21:53 pm

    Glad that you were able to come by and thanks for taking the pics!

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    25.11.2007 @ 22:01 pm

    no, thank *you* )

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