exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

was i more alive than i am now? i happily have to disagree

by Jen at 9:10 am on 22.11.2007 | 4 Comments
filed under: holidaze, londonlife

happy thanksgiving!

hand turkey

thanksgiving is traditionally a day to reflect on those people in your life who mean the most to you. which is why it can be such a difficult holiday for an expat – not only are we far from our families, but we live in a country which doesn’t recognise or understand the deeply emotional significance of the day. the longing to be close to those we love, to share food, to share time with the people who make our lives rich.

but for me, this day reminds me that i am extraordinarily lucky to have such people on *both* sides of the atlantic – people who make my life full to overflowing. friends and family and friends-who-are-family… i truly want for nothing in this world.

so thank you to all those near and far who are so important to me. on this day, may you all feel as lucky as i do.

peter bjorn and john – objects of my affection

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  • 1

    Comment by Charlotte

    22.11.2007 @ 11:58 am

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Amity and your families.

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    23.11.2007 @ 07:40 am

    aww, thank you!

  • 3

    Comment by Reluctant Blogger

    23.11.2007 @ 19:51 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving (although it was yesterday, wasn’t it?). It’s true – we Brits just don’t get it. It seems all sort of – well, a bit soft to us, I suppose. We prefer to moan about things and people than give thanks for them!!!! But a holiday in November would be lovely – I’d give any amounts of thanks for anything at all to have that!!!

  • 4

    Comment by Jen

    23.11.2007 @ 20:17 pm

    yeah, y’all need something between august bank holiday and xmas! grin

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