all i want is food and creative love
elbow deep in preparations for tomorrow’s feast. amity and i have decided to combine forces (”wonder-twin powers activate! form of a turkey dinner!”) and friends once again for a big festive meal. the traditional menu:
sausage stuffing with apples and cranberries
homemade gravy
mashed potatoes
green bean casserole with shallots, mushrooms and almonds
roasted butternut squash
pumpkin pie
apple pie
brits are a bit fuzzy on this thanksgiving thing – thinking there must be gifts involved, or some sort of commercial aspect, as there is with so many other american holidays.
but that’s the beauty of thanksgiving – it’s remained relatively pure of marketing influence even after all these years. it’s not even particularly religious, in spite of the whole “giving thanks” theme. and sure, there are decorations and cards you can buy, but by and large, it’s still all about the three “f” elements: family, food, and football.
you don’t get much more american than that.
rusted root – food & creative love
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Comment by Amity
21.11.2007 @ 19:36 pm
oh yeah, baby, can’t wait!
Comment by Jen
21.11.2007 @ 23:02 pm
pies in the oven right now! yum!
Comment by Strawberry
21.11.2007 @ 23:12 pm
Oh you lucky ducks, being able to spend Thanksgiving in the presence of fellow Americans! It’s so important to be around at least one other person who *gets* it.
Jen, you are spot on — Brits get all confused and so often miss the sublime beauty of the sentiment behind the whole holiday.
Comment by Charlotte
22.11.2007 @ 05:40 am
I am mightily impressed by the number of things you two are going to cook. That’s quite a menu! I love the concept of Thanksgiving: no presents and loads of food, but also the idea of giving thanks and being grateful for what we have. For a society that’s always accused of consumerism and being material, those are pretty spiritual values.
*wonders if she will ever be invited to a Thanksgiving meal* sniff
Comment by Jen
23.11.2007 @ 07:40 am
i’ve converted all my south african friends here into thanksgiving-ites, so next time you’re in london in november…!