maybe this weight was a gift
and once again, i am prostrating myself before the immigration and naturalisation department. filling in forms in tidy block letters, queuing quietly, handing over nearly £700 ($1400), submitting for inspection details about my marriage, my previous marriage, my husband, my husband’s previous marriage, my job, my taxes, my knowledge of “life in the uk” as demonstrated by exam, my character, my friend’s assessment of my character, all my travels, and my addresses (including u.s.) for the past five years.
did i mention the £700? (not including, of course, the non-refundable £200 from the failed first attempt.) i’m not so sure why i want this so badly, but clearly i do.
they say the third second time is the charm.
but if they ask me to do a british accent, i’ll never get in.
nada surf – do it again
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Comment by Thomas Foolery
20.11.2007 @ 00:28 am
Good luck, grumpy-pants.
You’ll get it.
Comment by Jen
20.11.2007 @ 18:40 pm
from your lips to god’s ears!
Comment by Vol Abroad
21.11.2007 @ 08:10 am
give them one of those Dick Van Dyke cockney accents.
gor blimey, Guv’nor – wot’s the rhyming slang for passport