the other day at thanksgiving dinner, the conversation turned to the “laminated list”.
you know the “laminated list”. from the friends wiki:
The show also popularized the idea of the “laminated list”, a list of celebrities that a person’s partner will permit them to sleep with if they were to ever meet them. In “The One with Frank Jr.” the characters exchange “lists” verbally, while Ross creates a physical list and laminates it, making his choices permanent.
and then i read this post, which reminded me of it. so, without further ado, i will answer the burning question: who’s on my laminated list?
1. john cusack

he’s quirky and funny and warm and self-effacing and just seems very genuine. plus, having been like 16 when “say anything” came out didn’t hurt. who can resist a vulnerable man with a boom box? my crush for him has continued to grow throughout the years with his offbeat movie roles and understated stardom.
2. dave grohl

i *may* have mention my love for him here before. the man is a modern day rock god, but a goofy, endearing one. the day i almost got his sweat on me remains one of the highlights of my fandom.
3. brad pitt

pedestrian choice, i know. but two words: “fight club”. also, at some point, he became a pretty darn good actor. and i was brainwashed with repeated viewings of mr. and mrs. smith.
okay, here come the strange ones…
4. andre 3000

he’s soooo freaky-deaky, but he’s completely confident in his uniqueness – whether he’s rocking jeans or a wildly floral three piece suit or a blond wig and green-fringed trousers. and he’s a musical genius with more than a hint of jimi hendrix.
5. ewan mcgregor

i’ve never been a fan of his movies… but i love watching him on television. his personality and humour really make me all melty inside, and he wears a kilt for crying out loud.
and the girl crushes…
gwen stefani

she’s got style, a ridiculously successful career, red lips and a washboard stomach. but i still liked it best when she had pink hair.
drew barrymore

she’s a little bit ditzy, she’s got that wildchild past… there’s just something about her.
and finally, the obligatory angelina jolie

let’s face it, there’s not a laminated list she’s *not* on. and i was brainwashed with repeated viewings of mr. and mrs. smith.
ok go – you’re so damn hot
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