exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

i thought i heard the shuffle of angels’ feet

by Jen at 6:04 pm on 7.10.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: blurblets, this sporting life

heard on a podcast this morning during a 20 miler

“only 0.1 of 1% of the world’s population have run a marathon”

this afternoon, my legs tell me there’s a damn good reason for that.

moby – run on

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by Jen at 6:04 pm on 6.10.2007Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, photo, rant and rage

this morning i participated in the london demonstrations in support of burma.

there is nothing so moving to me as being part of a show of numbers, taking to the streets in force, demanding attention from the government on behalf of a cause you feel in your bones to be right. to be passionate and vocal and strident, and to be surrounded by others who feel the same.

it’s a beautiful thing.

a few photos (though it is difficult to march and snap pics at the same time!)

burma protest sign

burma protest family

burma protest bigben

burma protest brian haw

burma protest trafalgar

burma protest londoneye

burma protest sign

burma protest trafalgar

burma protest sign

more photos here

the go! team – we just won’t be defeated

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you’re not fooling anyone

by Jen at 7:27 pm on 5.10.2007Comments Off
filed under: blurblets

stop! you there! in those teeny-tiny pencil-skinny jeans? with the massive muffin top bulge over the waistband like over-risen bread dough?

yeah. not a good look.


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the summer sets, the lights go out

by Jen at 8:55 pm on 4.10.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: mutterings and musings, photo

the change in season has such a profound effect on me. it’s this time every year i long for misty mornings, long cool walks in the woods, crispy leaves edged with frost.

jewel-red cranberry bogs, squat pumpkins, clouds of warm breath hanging in brisk air, hills of mingled gold and green, hot cups of cider, glassy ponds in sunlight, doors hung with clusters of indian corn, apple picking excursions, burnished horsechestnuts littering the pavement, aisles of halloween candy, children bundled up for the morning schoolbus.

every year, it blindsides me. the ache for a new england fall is as sharp as the surprise of the season’s first cold snap.

the longer i’m away, the more i miss it.


kings of convenience – gold in the air of summer

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one ply or two?

by Jen at 9:57 pm on 1.10.2007 | 4 Comments
filed under: blurblets, rant and rage

Information about all landline and mobile phone calls made in the UK must be logged and stored for a year under new laws.

Data about calls made and received will also be available to 652 public bodies, including the police and councils.

fuck me – pretty soon they’ll be logging the number of toilet flushes per household.


something corporate – watch the sky

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