touching me, touching you
it’s really is unbelievable the effect such a simple game can have on my emotions, the rollercoaster it can put my heart on. and i still couldn’t say for sure if i love it so much because of that, or in spite of it.
in the end, it doesn’t really matter. the heroic themes and mythological qualities tap into something deeply ingrained in us – primal. these boys, these games, are simply an evolution of the same stories that have followed us through history. they resonate like homeric epics or biblical parables, the stories used to illustrate brave and noble qualities. we speak of them as davids and goliaths, of gods and monsters.
and for a few hours, we all believe in the infinite possibility that lives in that soaring ball, the crack of that bat. the possibility of something monumental, epic, historic. the infinite possible endings to that story playing out on the field, bringing us back time and again to watch the plot unfold.
ah, those boys, these games. for a fan, the greatest story ever told.
game seven tonight.
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Comment by nikoline
22.10.2007 @ 14:51 pm
maybe it’s just that’s it’s monday and i’m tired – but this made me teary. why are you such a gifted writer?!
congratulations on the world series ahead!
Comment by Jen
22.10.2007 @ 19:00 pm
you’re so sweet to say so! i do love to wax lyrical about my baseball – gah, you should read what i wrote during the 2004 championship!
i do tend to go on a bit!